Bistecca con zucca e patate


Steak with pumpkin and potatoes


Steak avec courge et pommes de terre


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Italian English French
1 Bistecca 1 Steak 1 Steak
1 Patata 1 Potato 1 Pomme de terre
Un pezzetto Zucca A piece of Pumpkin Un morceau de Courge
Sale alle erbe Herb salt Sel aux herbes
Olio Oil Huile


Italian English French
STEP 01 Innanzitutto partiamo dalla griglia:Innanzitutto partiamo dalla griglia, ungiamola un poco e facciamola scaldare un poco per poi adagiare la bistecca STEP 01 First, let's start with the grill, grease it a little, and let it heat up for a bit before placing the steak on it. ÉTAPE 01 Tout d'abord, commençons par la grille, huilons-la un peu et laissons-la chauffer un peu avant de poser le steak dessus.
STEP 02 Tagliare la patata e la zucca a fettine molto sottili. STEP 02 Slice the potato and pumpkin into very thin slices. ÉTAPE 02 Coupez la pomme de terre et la courge en tranches très fines.
STEP 03 Cuocere le verdure sulla bistecchiera. Una volta pronte, metterle da parte e condirle con sale alle erbe e olio. STEP 03 Cook the vegetables on the grill pan. Once ready, set them aside and season with herb salt and oil. ÉTAPE 03 Faites cuire les légumes sur la poêle-gril. Une fois prêts, mettez-les de côté et assaisonnez avec du sel aux herbes et de l'huile.
STEP 04 Poi passare alla bistecca: cuocerla qualche minuto per lato fino ad ottenere la cottura desiderata. Una volta pronta, condire la carne con sale alle erbe, olio e servirla in tavola calda calda grazie al coperchio della bistecchiera che aiuta a mantenere la temperatura. STEP 04 Then move on to the steak: cook it a few minutes on each side until you reach the desired doneness. Once ready, season the meat with herb salt, oil, and serve it hot, thanks to the grill pan's lid that helps retain heat. ÉTAPE 04 Passez ensuite au steak : faites-le cuire quelques minutes de chaque côté jusqu'à obtenir la cuisson désirée. Une fois prêt, assaisonnez la viande avec du sel aux herbes, de l'huile et servez-la bien chaude grâce au couvercle de la poêle-gril qui aide à maintenir la température.
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My name is Virginia Fabbri, also known as LaVongolaVerace, and I am a food blogger. My passion for cooking began in childhood when I used to make fresh pasta, especially cappelletti, with my grandmothers (I would always sneak some of the filling to eat!). As I grew up, I began to study and learn more, to the point that my mom no longer knows where to put all the cookbooks I have at home! My cooking definitely harks back to tradition, but I always try to add something new, without overworking the ingredients: my motto is 'less is more!
